Ms. Angela Wu (Angela)
愛誠福音教會 Elmhurst Christian Gospel ChurchOur Co-worker
Angela Wu was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to the United States of America in the year of 1990. In the year of 2000, she moved from Utah to New York and started to attend Elmhurst Christian Gospel Church (ECGC). On January 9th 2003, she repented and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and was baptized on December 25th 2004. Angela has been a member of ECGC for more than 20 years. In 2013, she became one of the board members of ECGC and has been serving in the church as Treasurer.
In January 2023, she began serving as a full time staff member to fulfill a vow that she had made when she was a new believer. She dedicated her life to serve God wholeheartedly full time in response to God’s calling.